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Sunday Mornings
Children's Building
9:45am Nursery/GROW Groups (Sunday School)
10:55am Extended Care/Kids Worship
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
We offer nursery for babies and toddlers in the Kids’s Building for kids up to 2 years old during Sunday Morning GROW Groups and Extended Care during Kid’s Worship.
We have Bible study for kids ages 3 through 6th Grade in the Kid’s Building every Sunday morning. Currently we have three groups – 3’s and 4’s; K-3rd; 4th-6th.
Kid’s Worship gives kids the opportunity to worship in fun and exciting ways during our Sunday Morning Worship Gathering. Through interactive videos, singing, and crafts, kids can experience God on their level.