Adoring God
Valuing Maturity
Passionately pursuing people

The Arrival

Thanksgiving is now in the rear view mirror which means the Christmas season is in full swing. For followers of Jesus, we enter the season of Advent. Advent comes from a Latin word that means “coming” or “arrival.” The season of Advent encompasses the four Sundays preceding Christmas Eve. During the four weeks of Advent, we anticipate the arrival of Jesus, the Son of God, into this world. It is an important time for believers to cut through the noise that has enveloped the holiday to focus on the one thing that matters: Jesus.

I invite you to join us on this journey toward Christmas. Join us each Sunday of Advent we will gather together and worship Jesus. Join us as we seek to put Jesus at the center of the season. We will focus on the apostle John’s opening to his gospel as we seek to better understand who Jesus is. We will look at Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth to discover the importance of how Jesus was born. We will discover the purpose of Jesus’ coming in Matthew’s gospel account of Jesus’ birth. 

As we wrap up this year, I encourage you to take time to focus your attention on the baby in the manger this Christmas. His arrival changed everything. His arrival ushered in a new era in which God’s love poured out to all who will believe in Jesus.  

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